Προστάτιδες Του Νερού – Water Protectors

back to all Logo design for “Προστάτιδες Του Νερού” (Water Protectors), a women’s cooperative based in Chania, Crete in cooperation with FreeField -Ελευθεροχώραφο The “Water Protectors” are called to defend the terrestrial and aquatic ecosystem through the reuse of the residues of the local food industry and their transformation into ecological fertilizers. Ecological fertilizers are […]

Düngezine in Leichter Sprache, Urban Cycles

Düngezine in Leichter Sprache, Urban Cycles / IGZ back to all Layout für ein Magazin zum Thema “Düngen im Garten” in Leichter Sprache.Das Zine wurde im Rahmen des Projektes Urban Cycles entwickelt und kann hier kostenfrei heruntergeladen werden. Mehr zum Projekt findet ihr unter https://urban-cycles.de/ Auftraggeber: Leibniz-Institut für Gemüse- und Zierpflanzenanbau (IGZ)


back to all Infographic ‘Evolution & Tinkering’ by Francois Jacob (1977) Collaborative design project thinkflowgraphics with fellow illustrator, designer and anthropologist Álvaro Gabriel Martinez (www.alvaro-martinez.com) Our goal is to select scientific papers and transform them into infographics to makescientific knowledge more accessible to the general public. Part 1 (for Social Media) Part 2 (for Social […]


back to all Logo design & branding for agricultural consulting firm baum|feld|wirtschaft Client: Philipp Gerhardt (Deutsche Agroforst GmbH) in 2022